攝影Photographer:陳又維 CHEN You-Wei 時間DATE:2017/12/30
身體氣象館於2018年2月9日會同台北市文化局進行牯嶺街小劇場清點交接事項後,將鑰匙交予專員,確定緣於十八個月歷史建物整修工程而與此藝術基地的暫別,正式開始。謹此,代表 小劇場共同營運實行委員會暨牯嶺街小劇場同仁,感謝來自各領域的朋友們,從去年年尾各項告別紀念活動以來,予以諸多協助。恰似過去十二年間在劇場工作的因緣際會,在過去這緊湊的兩個月裡,他們一樣是盡情地貢獻了勞動力,以及不可思議的才華與智慧。同時,2018-2019期間,仍有勞各界持續關注牯嶺街小劇場官方網站與臉書專頁,追蹤各項動態公告、訊息更新與聯絡方式。且讓我們共同監督劇場的整修,期待劇場再開之日。
館長 姚立群 謹誌
On 9th February 2018, Body Phase Studio handed over Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre (GLT) to Taipei City Government’s Department of Cultural Affairs after accomplishing the inventory process. Key into the theatre was handed to the commissioner from Department of Cultural Affairs, and our temporary farewell to this art base and historic building for the renovation of 18 months, started officially. Hereby, on behalf of GLT’s staffs and the GLT Executive Committee, we would like to extend our gratitude to friends from the different field who offered their help since the numerous farewell events end of last year. Alike circumstances happened during 12 years of practices in the theatre, they too offered their labour and tremendous talent and wisdom in the past 2 months. In the meantime, please do follow the official website and Facebook page of GLT during 2018 to 2019 for notices of events as well as updates of information and contact. Let us supervise together the renovation of the theatre and await for the re-opening day. Happy Lunar New Year!
Sincerely yours,
YAO Lee-chun
Director of Body Phase Studio – GLT