【Support Palestine – Film Screening】Revive Gaza’s Farmland

牯嶺街小劇場 (https://maps.app.goo.gl/PvLMD2JR3Vs9siGb7)

雜 草町 (https://maps.app.goo.gl/r9iE5aDeUVjwxkEVA)
臺北市大同區延平北路三段52號 (捷運中和新蘆線,大橋頭站1A出口)
◍ 雜草町場次:入場低銷一杯雜草茶飲。
◍ 本放映活動與 wave~form~projects 和 re:assemblage Collective 合作策畫,以及第一場次放映為與牯嶺街小劇場之場地合作。

✺ Cecilia Vicuña, Semiya (Seed song) (2015, Chile, 8 mins)
✺ Alanis Obomsawin, Farming (1975, Canada, 2 mins)
✺ Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, We Would Be Freer (2023, Palestine/Canada, 9 mins)
✺ Marwa Arsanios, Who is Afraid of Ideology, Part I & II (2017-2019, Lebanon/Iraqi
✺ Kurdistan, North and East Syria, 39 mins)
✺ Ryley Williams, it’s amazing that you still exist (2021, Canada, 4 mins)
✺ Nicolás Grandi and Lata Mani, Nocturne I (2013, India, 5 mins)
✺ Alanis Obomsawin, Farming (1975, Canada, 2 mins)
✺ Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, We Would Be Freer (2023, Palestine/Canada, 9 mins)
✺ Marwa Arsanios, Who is Afraid of Ideology, Part I & II (2017-2019, Lebanon/Iraqi
✺ Kurdistan, North and East Syria, 39 mins)
✺ Ryley Williams, it’s amazing that you still exist (2021, Canada, 4 mins)
✺ Nicolás Grandi and Lata Mani, Nocturne I (2013, India, 5 mins)

阿拉伯自然保護組織(APN)與 Khidr Collective 攜手發起了「復甦加薩農田」計畫,致力於對抗錫安主義者發動的多面向非法土地徵收、農業破壞及「糧食武器化」等行為。該計畫綜合考量流動性、資源取得渠道和農民需求等因素,透過復育受損的農地、提供必要資源,推動建立更永續且自給自足的系統,擺脫國際援助的依賴。若您願意支持此計畫,可透過捐款,或發起在地活動(如電影放映、讀書會、晚宴等)進行募款。
✺ 「復甦加薩農田」計畫是由 Golo Besmlah 與 APN 合作發起的。

自 2016 年起,re:assemblage 一直致力於透過「公開影像放映」來支持少數族群的聲音與視角。我們的行動具有高度流動性且目標明確,旨在「重組 / 重新詮釋」有關藝術電影與影像的既定假設,包括所描繪的人物以及所倡導的作品形式。re:assemblage 由 Christina Battle 和 Scott Miller Berry 共同創立,目前由 Faraz Anoushahpour 與 Scott Miller Berry 經營,並以特卡倫托/多倫多為主要基地。
策展人 Toleen Touq 和 Liz Ikiriko 自 2018 年起共同經營「波形計畫」(wave~form~projects)。目前定居於多倫多,他們致力於與少數群體的藝術家、策展人及藝術工作者合作,他們的作品融合了相互扶持、人際連結以及批判性的探究精神。2021 年至 2023 年間,他們組織了「Ways of Attuning」研究小組,支持海龜島(Turtle Island)各地的參與者展開多元而緊密的策展實踐。自此,他們與 Critical Distance Centre for Curators、Gallery TPW、Images Festival 及 re:assemblage Collective 合作,舉辦了多場教育工作坊、視覺藝術及電影相關計畫。

Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN)
APN為一間非營利組織,致力於保護阿拉伯國家的環境及自然資源,防範各類危害,包括戰爭和外來者對生態造成的負面影響。APN 於 2003 年 4 月由一群充滿熱情的人士成立,目標是與區域性和國際組織合作,保護阿拉伯環境。
—– English information as below —-

18th Jan 2025 (Sat) / 14:30-17:00(Taiwan time / GMT+8)
Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre (https://maps.app.goo.gl/PvLMD2JR3Vs9siGb7)
No. 2, Lane 5, Guling St, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100

19th Jan 2025 (Sun) / 14:30-17:00(Taiwan time / GMT+8)
Grassland (https://maps.app.goo.gl/r9iE5aDeUVjwxkEVA)
No. 52, Section 3, Yanping N Rd, Datong District, Taipei City, 103
◍ Grassland Venue: There is a minimum charge of one drink per person for admission.
◍ Curated by wave~form~projects and re:assemblage collective.
◍ Curated by wave~form~projects and re:assemblage collective.

✺ Cecilia Vicuña, Semiya (Seed song) (2015, Chile, 8 mins)
✺ Alanis Obomsawin, Farming (1975, Canada, 2 mins)
✺ Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, We Would Be Freer (2023, Palestine/Canada, 9 mins)
✺ Marwa Arsanios, Who is Afraid of Ideology, Part I & II (2017-2019, Lebanon/Iraqi
✺ Kurdistan, North and East Syria, 39 mins)
✺ Ryley Williams, it’s amazing that you still exist (2021, Canada, 4 mins)
✺ Nicolás Grandi and Lata Mani, Nocturne I (2013, India, 5 mins)
✺ Alanis Obomsawin, Farming (1975, Canada, 2 mins)
✺ Rana Nazzal Hamadeh, We Would Be Freer (2023, Palestine/Canada, 9 mins)
✺ Marwa Arsanios, Who is Afraid of Ideology, Part I & II (2017-2019, Lebanon/Iraqi
✺ Kurdistan, North and East Syria, 39 mins)
✺ Ryley Williams, it’s amazing that you still exist (2021, Canada, 4 mins)
✺ Nicolás Grandi and Lata Mani, Nocturne I (2013, India, 5 mins)
Total time: 74 mins | English subtitle only.

The films in Seed Songs for Palestine engage themes of seed sovereignty and Indigenous resilience, highlighting the intrinsic connections between land, culture, and self-determination. Delving into the symbolic and practical importance of seeds, plant life, and relations with land as forms of resistance and continuity for Indigenous communities, the films interrogate the dynamics of freedom and survival in the face of environmental and colonial oppression, while also offering poignant reflections on both the fragility and resilience of existence. Collectively, they illuminate the vital role of seed sovereignty in asserting Indigenous rights and preserving cultural heritage. This collection of shorts presents a rich tapestry of voices and radical perspectives that have existed from time immemorial, considering the intersections of ecological stewardship and self determination which continue to disperse across fertile lands.
Curated by wave~form~projects and re:assemblage collective.

In collaboration with Khidr Collective, The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) is launching the «Revive Gaza’s Farmland» project to advocate for the resistance against the multifaceted illegal confiscation of land, destruction of the agriculture sector, and the weaponisation of food by the Zionist Entity. By rehabilitating damaged farms and providing essential materials for agricultural production we aim to support existing efforts that strive for a more sustainable and self-reliant system, free from dependence on foreign entities.
Our project systematically addresses this, taking into account factors like mobility, resource access, and farmers’ needs. Support the project through direct donation or through self-organised events such as film screenings, readings, dinners, etc.
✺ The Revive Gaza’s Farmlands is initiated by Golo Besmlah in collaboration with APN.
✺ Support Farmers in Gaza:https://www.apnature.org/en/gaza
✺ Support Farmers in Gaza:https://www.apnature.org/en/gaza

Since 2016 this collective has been committed to championing underrepresented voices and perspectives through public film/video screenings. We are itinerant and intentional. We are “reassembling” assumptions about artist film/video practices: who is shown and the forms of works championed. The re:assemblage collective was co-instigated by Christina Battle and Scott Miller Berry and is currently composed of Faraz Anoushahpour with Miller Berry and calls Tkaronto/Toronto home.
Since 2018 curators Toleen Touq and Liz Ikiriko have been working together as wave~form~projects. Currently based in Toronto, their practice embodies collaboration, relationality, and critical inquiry alongside communities of underrepresented artists, curators and arts workers. From 2021 to 2023, they facilitated Ways of Attuning, a study group which supported intimate and expansive curatorial practice with a group of participants across Turtle Island. Since then, they have presented pedagogical workshops and visual arts and film programs with Critical Distance Centre for Curators, Gallery TPW, Images Festival, and re:assemblage collective.

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) is an independent non-profit organization concerned with the protection of the environment and the natural resources of Arab countries against all hazards, including the destructive impacts of wars and foreign occupations. APN was established in April, 2003 by a group of motivated people who aim to protect the Arab environment alongside regional and international organizations.

《難民路徑》由兩位發起者朱筱琪(Weave the Edge 發起者)與胡鈞媛(Refugee 101 Taiwan 發起者)共同發起,結合他們在強迫遷徙與難民研究領域的專業背景,以及在中東、亞洲、非洲和歐洲的田野經驗。藉由推動強迫遷徙與難民議題的工作坊,希望透過「系列共筆討論工作坊」的案例討論,逐步建立一個關於強迫遷徙與難民議題的知識整合平台——《強迫遷徙資料庫》。
Refugee Path is led by Hsiao-Chi Chu, the founder of Weave the Edge, and Chun-Yuan Hu, the founder of Refugee 101 Taiwan. Drawing on their extensive research experience in forced migration and refugees, as well as their fieldwork across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe, they aim to create a knowledge-driven platform called the ‘Forced Migration Database’ in Taiwan. This platform will involve workshop participants and contributors from various disciplines.
Many thanks for the support from Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre and Grassland, and the facilitation of Hong-Kai Wang.