EX!T 12第十二屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展:我親愛的米開斯(My Own Private Mekas)


「EX!T 12第十二屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展:我親愛的米開斯(My Own Private Mekas)」將展出多部鮮少公開放映的米開斯電影作品。

在過去幾年,台灣在幾個影展或藝術展皆有放映過米開斯的重要作品,包括《湖濱散記》(Walden)、《立陶宛之旅》(Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania)、《Lost, Lost, Lost》、《天堂彼端》(This Side of Paradise)、《西風歸來(喬治・馬修納斯的生活片段)》(Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas)、《傑宏隨筆》(Notes for Jerome)、《旅行之歌》(Travel Songs)等。這幾部作品在米開斯的電影創作生涯當中當然都有著重要的地位和指標性。


然而,此2022年EX!T 12中,我們希望能在這個基礎上再往前跨出一大步。

也因此除了《立陶宛之旅》之外,我們有了《追憶德國之旅》(Reminiszenzen Aus Deutschland, 1971/1993, 2012),在其中米開斯重回當年逃出立陶宛之後,在德國所度過的歲月;我們也有米開斯重新探訪Andy Warhol的工廠(The Factory)原址的《工廠隨筆》(A Few Notes on the Factory, 1999)、未收錄在《湖濱散記》的電影日記片段集結而成的作品《之間》(In Between, 1978)、米開斯早期對於Video的探索作品《漫步》(A Walk, 1990)、他對於四重奏形式的實驗作品《四重奏一號》(Quartet Number 1, 1991)、他寫給兒子賽巴斯提安的信《賽巴斯提安的教育或是重返埃及》(The Education of Sebastian or Egypt Regained, 1992/2012)、他對於書信電影形式的嘗試作品《來自未知之地的信》(Letters to Friends…From Nowhere…Video Letter #1, 1997)、他為巴黎當代美術館(Musée d’Art Moderne)所作的作品《一個男人的自傳》(Autobiography of a Man, 2000),以及以馬丁史柯西斯為拍攝對象的作品《美國電影導演工作隨筆:馬丁.史柯西斯》(Notes on an American Film Director at Work: Martin Scorsese, 2005)。



展期 2022/11/11-11/20


購票請點此⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ (套票 900元、單張 200元)

▍ 預告片 https://youtu.be/9aFnZD2EFJc







《之間》(In Between)

11.13 14:00|11.18 16:30|11.20 14:00

16mm.BW+COL.52 min.  1964-1968, 1978.

本片大部分的素材是未放入《湖濱散記》(Walden)的片段集結而成。影片拍攝期間介於《失去,失落,迷失》(Lost Lost Lost)與《湖濱散記》之間,以及一些旅遊片段。

The material for this film is footage that didn’t find a place in the Walden reels. Some of it begins in between Lost Lost Lost and Walden, and some travel footage.




《漫步》(A Walk)

11.12 16:00|11.13 20:00|11.18 18:00

Video.58 min. 1990.


On a rainy day, I have a walk through the early SoHo. I begin my walk on 80 Wooster Street and continue towards the Williamsburg Bridge, where 58 minutes later, still raining, my walk ends. This video was my early exercise in the one-shot video form. There are no cuts in this video.




《四重奏一號》(Quartet Number One)

11.12 16:00|11.13 20:00|11.18 18:00

16mm.8 min. 1974-1985.


The film doesn’t have much to do with the form of what’s known as Quartet. In 1991 I was despairing with the amount of unedited diaristic material that I had. I was searching for ways of dealing with it. This film is a result of my searching. 




《賽巴斯提安的教育或是重返埃及》(The Education of Sebastian or Egypt Regained)

11.16 17:30|11.20 17:30

Video.228 min. 1992, 2012.




This video diary was made January 4-19, 1992. This video originally ran over six hours long. Jonas edited it down to its definitive length of 228 minutes in 2012.

All very personal, and it goes on and on, perhaps of very little meaning to others, but of crucial importance to myself, a record not for Entertainment or Public Exhibition, but something to share with friends, on long evening. Maybe there is a letter to my friends about a very crucial journey back to Ithaca – and a present for Sebastian, something that he’ll rediscover when he’ll be approaching the age when I, Odysseus, began my own travels – this may serve him as a beginner’s map – the Fates will give him better ones. 




《來自未知之地的信》(Letters to Friends…From Nowhere…Video Letter #1)

11.12 14:00|11.13 15:30|11.20 15:30 

Video.88 min. 1997.


By mid-nineties I had already collected hundreds and hundreds of hours of video material. In 1997 I began to think what to do with it. One way, I thought, was to begin to make some of it available to my friends via video letters. This was the first one. It includes miscellaneous moments from my home life. 




《工廠隨筆》(A Few Notes on the Factory)

11.12 20:00|11.17 18:00|11.19 20:00

Video.64 min. 1999.


The video traces the history of the Factory, describes the activities that took place in it, and the historical context. Actual locations are shown and discussed.




《一個男人的自傳》(Autobiography of a Man)

11.12 17:30|11.13 17:30|11.17 19:40|11.19 14:00

Video.53 min. 2000.


A condensed survey of my first 50 years in New York – physically and mentally. Made for the Musée d’Art Moderne show in Paris.




《追憶德國之旅》(Reminiszenzen Aus Deutschland)

11.12 17:30|11.13 17:30|11.17 19:40|11.19 14:00

16mm.25 min.1971, 1993, 2012.

我試圖在這部電影中簡單介紹我人生中1944年7月到1949年10月的德國時期,本片的聲部來自於那段時期我日記中的節錄、當下的反思以及德國劇作家沃爾夫岡·博爾徹特(Wolfgang Borchert)作品中的段落。




《美國電影導演工作隨筆:馬丁・史柯西斯》(Notes on an American Film Director at Work: Martin Scorsese)

11.11 20:00|11.18 20:00|11.19 18:00

DV.80 min. 2005.

初識馬丁・史柯西斯時,他還是一個常來看我電影放映的紐約大學電影系學生。我們真正的友誼始於他的第一部劇情片《誰在敲我的門》(Who’s That Knocking at My Door?2005年,龐畢度中心邀請我拍攝一部關於Marty的5到10分鐘的電影,介紹他的回顧展,彼時Marty正在拍《神鬼無間》(The Departed我的兒子賽巴斯提安加入了我的行列進行雙機拍攝。

I originally met Martin Scorsese when he was still a film student at New York University. He used to come to my film screenings. But the real friendship began when he made his first feature film, Who’s That Knocking at My Door? In 2005 I was asked by the Centre Pompidou to make a five to ten minute film about Marty to introduce his retrospective. As it happened, Marty was shooting The Departed at that time. Sebastian, my son, joined me with a second camera. 





開幕茶會 Opening Ceremony -《碎語片言》新書發表 + 詩作朗讀

時間:11/11 (五) 18:30-19:10


開幕茶會 Opening Ceremony -《碎語片言》新書發表 + 詩作朗讀(立陶宛文+中文):
林伊蓮(Irena Marazaitė Lin)+ 黃永嵻


報名方式 : https://forms.gle/pwEM3NPoLVSXVQrp6



時間:11/19 (六) 16:20-17:40




報名方式 : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSft7SZLLx1E1b8QgrKd6Dbj32KFkD2F_9pZdGXCl44P29mYmA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1rsxpnTY95Pm5anousOINWhZLs46nv-owmiBfX7sYQ2tTk0hTIs3PVo9g
