


EX!T 7第七屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展
EX!T 7 – Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan 2016

Filming in the Moment: the Diary Film Festival

2016/11/23-27 @ 牯嶺街小劇場 Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre/







 開幕茶會Opening ─────────────────────────────────────



☆特別放映─帶谷有理《迷幻花園》+ 大木裕之《六月之唇》



Special Screening & Opening Ceremony & Open Screening



 專題講座 Panel Discussion ────────────────────────────────


Free admission.Pre-Reservation


Taiwan Perspective I: From LIU Na’Ou to CHUANG Lin

本座談邀請研究劉吶鷗的學者專家康來新教授、劉永晧教授,以劉吶鷗電影作品《持攝影機的男人》(1933)與他的日記書寫開始,深入探討劉吶鷗作為台灣家庭電影與日記電影開端的可能性,以及文學日記與日記電影之間的創作與實踐。莊靈先生於《劇場》雜誌期間所創作之《延》(1966)與《赤子》(1967)充滿著日記電影的元素,然而這樣的創作模式從劇情片中轉向進而從生活中取材,是否受到1960年代「真實電影」(Cinéma Vérité)的影響?而莊靈先生又是如何吸收「真實電影」的理念並且轉化成自我創作的養分?在劉吶鷗與莊靈之間,我們是否能夠找到連結?

In this panel discussion experts in LIU Na’Ou, including Prof. KONG Lai-Shin and Prof. LIU Yung-Hao, share their views on LIU Na’Ou’s diary writing and his work Man with a Camera, and discuss in depth the possibility of regarding LIU Na’Ou as the first person in making home movies and diary films in Taiwan, and the practice and relations between literary diary and diary films.

CHUANG Lin’s Life Continued and My Newborn Baby were created when he was the one of the chief editors of Theatre Quarterly magazine. Is it possible that Mr. CHUANG was affected by the style Cinema Verite popular in 1960’s so that he shifted from traditional feature films to filming what’s in daily life? How did Mr. CHUANG absorb and transcend the idea of Cinema Verite and apply it on his own creation? Is there any possible connection between LIU Na’Ou and CHUANG Lin?

與談人Invited speakers:

莊靈 CHUANG Lin(曾任《劇場》雜誌創刊編輯、資深攝影家、記者)

康來新 KONG Lai-Shin(國立中央大學中文系教授)

劉永晧 LIU Yung-Hao(世新大學廣播電視電影學系副教授)

李明宇 LEE Ming-Yu(世新大學廣播電視電影學系助理教授)

☛報名連結Reservation Link:https://goo.gl/forms/Yqg77KhhndL8v1SS2





Taiwan Perspective II: Taiwanese Diary Filmmakers Forum


In this session we invite diary film-makers to share their reflection and actual practices on creating diary films, and how they turn life to film, make private public.


與談人Invited speakers:

王俊雄 WANG Chung-Hsiung(自由影像創作者)

林倩 Shine LIN(詞曲創作者、薄荷葉樂團主唱、獨立影像工作者)

練建宏 LIEN Chien-Hung(赤兔影像製作有限公司編導)

蘇明彥 SU Ming-Yen(晶體影像製作有限公司編導)



李明宇LEE Ming-Yu(世新大學廣播電視電影學系助理教授)

☛報名連結Reservation Link:https://goo.gl/forms/Z90KZxie2Tg0m3m02





Japanese Diary Film: Private Novel, Private Cinema


Japanese diary film-maker OBITANI Yuri brings the camera to a more private territory in The Hair Opera, while OKI Hiroyuki ’s diary films are even more direct in presenting the physical desire.

Japanese diary films are largely different from the European and American diary films in terms of style. Japanese diary films depict the subtle desires and ordinary life, and provide another possibility in diary film aesthetics.


與談人Invited speakers:

帶谷有理 OBITANI Yuri(日本日記電影創作者、作曲家、歌劇歌手)

大木裕之 OKI Hiroyuki(日本日記電影創作者,作品曾入圍龐畢度藝術中心、柏林影展及各項國際影展)

☛報名連結Reservation Link:https://goo.gl/forms/dTnvbIqftAIOuY712




【歐美視角:顏.博飛 X 瓊納斯.米開斯】

Europe x America: Yann BEAUVAIS x Jonas MEKAS


In this session, Yann BEAUVAIS, a diary film-maker and a researcher of European diary films, will introduce the process and development of Jonas MEKAS’s diary filmmaking approach, along with MEKAS’s film aesthetic and his influence on the diary films. In response to that, BEAUVAIS will also share his own experience and research of making diary films, hoping to bring forth more possibility in this area.


與談人Invited speakers:

顏.博飛 Yann BEAUVAIS(法國實驗電影創作者、策展人)

劉永晧 LIU Yung-Hao(世新大學廣播電視電影學系副教授)

李明宇 LEE Ming-Yu(世新大學廣播電視電影學系助理教授)

☛報名連結Reservation Link:https://goo.gl/forms/nyyKfRrcdQTCSZZO2




放映節目簡介 Programs ──────────────────────────────────



Retrospection: Early Taiwanese Diary Films


In Retrospection we will look at Taiwanese diary films. We collect diary films from as early as more than half a century ago, from Man with a Movie Camera by LIU Na’Ou in 1933, CHUANG Lin’s Life Continued and My Newborn Baby in the 1960’s, some of the early works in Golden Harvest Awards, and diary films made by young directors in the early millennium.Various routes and intersections in this program open up a space for conversation between diary filmmakers across different time periods.



※放映:(總長 129min)

持攝影機的男人 Man with a Camera/劉吶鷗 LIU Na’Ou/46min/1933

延 Life Continued/莊靈 CHUANG Lin/14min/1966

赤子 My Newborn Baby/莊靈 CHUANG Lin/8min/1967

在硬與凹之間穿插No3陽痿 In/Out No.3/陳宏一 CHEN Hung-i/12min/1990

入侵聖城 Intrude Sanctuary/蕭碩文 HSIAO Shuo-wen/12min/1999

幻境 Mirage/王俊雄 WANG Chung-Hsiung/17min/1999

迷宮 Maze/王俊雄 WANG Chung-Hsiung/15min/1998-99

抒情漫步 Romantic Walking/洪瑞憶 HUNG Ruey-Yi/5min/2001




Now: Taiwanese New Generation


After 2007, numerous student final projects from Taiwanese academics started to depict daily life, relations between family members, and self-exploration, including Blues Biyori by Shine LIN, Going Home by LEE Ming-Yu, The Household Diary by LIEN Chien-Hung and Daylight Developing by SU Ming-Yen. Ever since then, more and more young filmmakers take up the cameras to make diary films, bringing to us a more diverse scenery in the area of the diary films.



※放映I:〈總長 113min)

藍調日和 Blues Biyori/林倩 Shine LIN/28min/2007

回家 Going Home/李明宇 LEE Ming-Yu/20min/2008

偶發事件 Randomness/劉倢君 LIU Chieh-Chun/16min/2012

慾望的日記書寫 A Diary about Desire/曾煒皓 TSENG Wei-Hao/20min/2014

偷渡日常─變形記 Smuggling Ordinaries-The Metamorphosis Recorded/陳穎寬 CHEN  Ying-Kuan/29min/2016



※放映II:〈總長 106min)

家屋日記 The Household Diary/練建宏 LIEN Chien-Hung/40min/2009

日光顯影Daylight Developing/蘇明彥 SU Ming-Yen/35min/2011

開發中肖像 The Irreversibility of Time/陳運奇 CHEN Yun-Qi/20min/2014

我從不曾一個人 I Wish You Were Here/張愷珊 CHONG Kai-Shan/11min/2015




Private Cinema: Japanese Diary Film


Arts in Japan always carry a strong Japanese style, in comparison to the European and American arts. In the course of diary films development in Japan, there are several talented film-makers. In the 2016 EX!T7, we present works from four Japanese diary filmmakers: SUZUKI Shirouyasu, OBITANI Yuri, OKI Hiroyuki and SERIZAWA Yoichiro. Japanese diary films are largely different from the European and American diary films in terms of style. Japanese diary films depict the subtle desires and ordinary life, and provide another possibility in the diary films aesthetics. In this program, we will further explore this uncharted territory.


※放映時間:11/24(Thu)18:00-20:00、11/26(Sat) 18:00-20:00

※放映I:(總長 101min)

日沒的印象 Impression of Sunset/鈴木志郎康 SUZUKI Shirouyasu/24min/1975

毛髮歌劇 The Hair Opera/帶谷有理 OBITANI Yuri/60 min/1993

迷幻花園 An Acid Field/帶谷有理 OBITANI Yuri/8min/2007

野巫女 Wild Shaman Maiden/帶谷有理 OBITANI Yuri/9min/2007



※放映II:(總長 104min)

六月之唇 Lips of June/大木裕之 OKI Hiroyuki/17min/1992

塔奇之旅 Tarch Trip/大木裕之 OKI Hiroyuki/64min/1993

合成人間 Synthetic Man/芹澤洋一郎 SERIZAWA Yoichiro/23min/1993






Jonas MEKAS, the godfather of avant-garde cinema, is also the most representative figure in diary films. Jonas MEKAS wrote film column on The Village Voice, founded the Anthology Film Archives, and was in the vanguard of New American Cinema. MEKAS started to make diary films ever since he arrived at New York in the 1940’s. Up until today, he still remains active and has created a staggering amount of films.




湖濱散記 Walden/173min/1968-69




西風歸來(喬治‧馬修納斯的一生) Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas/34min/1992

天堂彼端 This Side of Paradise/35min/1999

傑宏隨筆 Notes for Jerome/45min/1978

亞維儂之歌 Song of Avignon/9min/1998

旅行之歌 Travel Songs/28min/2003





顏.博飛為法國實驗電影創作者、影像裝置藝術家、評論家、研究學者、策展人、影片與錄影帶保存及發行者、相關實驗電影與當代藝術活動推廣者。1970年代開始從事實驗電影創作持續至今,1980年代開始實驗多投影現場表演與影像裝置等探索,曾於法國巴黎第三大學教授藝術史等課程。曾於1999年來台,在台北華山藝文特區發表個展,展出多投影現場表演結合現場音樂的作品。此次EX!T7 顏.博飛將帶來他的多部日記電影創作。

Yann BEAUVAIS is versatile in creating, preserving and studying films. He makes experimental films, writes art critiques, preserves and publishes films and video works. He used to teach art history in the University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle. He is also a video installation artist. Yann BEAUVAIS first started making experimental films in the 1970’s. In the 1980’s he started to explore the territory of video art, video installation and live performance. In 1999, Yann BEAUVAIS visited Taiwan and had a solo exhibition of several with live music in Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei. In 2016 EX!T 7, Yann BEAUVAIS presents to us a series of his diary films.




日記 Journaux/18min/1982-85

戀 Amoroso/12min/1983-86

細瑣記憶 Divers-épars/12min/1987

斯巴彩島 Spetsai/15min/1989

紅色國度裡的藍調 We’ve Got the Red Blues/15min/1991

紐約長途 New York Long Distance/9min/1994

北京無題 Sans Titre Beijing/6min/2006

考普索卡村 Kopru Sokagi/33min/2009(共同導演:艾德森‧巴魯斯 Edson BARRUS)

雷西非日記:進行中 Work in Progress/12min/2011-16




 場次表Schedule ──────────────────────────────────────//



11/24(Thu) 11/25(Fri) 11/26(Sat)


    13:00 13:00



Now: Taiwanese New Generation Ⅰ




Retrospection: Early Taiwanese Diary Films






    15:00 15:30



Now: Taiwanese New Generation Ⅱ





Taiwan Perspective I: From Liu Na’Ou to CHUANG Lin


歐美視角:顏.博飛 X 瓊納斯.米開斯


Europe x America: Yann BEAUVAIS x Jonas MEKAS


18:00 17:30 18:00






Private Cinema: Japanese Diary FilmⅠ



Retrospection: Early Taiwanese Diary Films 



Private Cinema: Japanese Diary FilmⅠ




Private Cinema: Japanese Diary FilmⅡ




20:00 20:00 20:00







【Opening Ceremony

◎Special Screening

◎Open Screening








Taiwan Perspective Ⅱ: Taiwanese Diary Filmmakers




Japanese Diary Film: Private Novel,

Private Cinema









Private Cinema: Japanese Diary FilmⅡ









 活動地點Venues ──────────────────────────────────────



牯嶺街小劇場 GULING STREET Avant-Garde Theatre

台北市牯嶺街五巷2號 No. 2, LN. 5, Guling Street, Taipei City, Taiwan



 售票及優惠資訊Ticket info ───────────────────────────────



單場票價Ticket:NT 150元

全套票(任選8單元)8 Pack:NT 780元

任選4單元套票4 Pack:NT 510元

牯嶺街小劇場會員GLT Membership:7折

學生/兩廳院會員Student, NTCH Membership:95折

永安藝文館表演36房LINE好友 Performing Arts School 36 YONG AN ART CENTER friends on LINE:95折

台北光點會員SPOT Membership:95折



購票連結 Ticket Link:https://goo.gl/rIHlno



更多資訊More Info


電話Tel:(02) 2391-9393.週二Tue~日Sun 14:00~20:00



策展人Curator:李明宇 LEE Ming-Yu

製作人Producer:姚立群 YAO Lee-Chun

藝術總監Artistic DirectorProducer:吳俊輝 Tony Chun-Hui WU

執行製作Executive Producer:王永宏 WANG Yung-Hung

技術統籌Technical Cooperator:王君盈 WANG Jyun-Ying

空間規畫Space Planning:林育全 Lin Yu-Quan

平面設計Graphic Design:劉孟宗 Marco Meng-Tsung LIU

行政Administrative Team:楊凱婷 YANG Kai-Ting、廖子萱 LIAO Zi-Xuan

宣傳影像導演Promotion Video Director:李俊宏 LEE Chun-Hong




身體氣象館Body Phase Studio



牯嶺街小劇場 Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre

影像—運動電影協會 Image-Movement



國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation

台北市文化局  Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government

法國在台協會 Bureau Français de Taipei